
Your friend from America intends to further his study in China. Write him an email to

1) express your warm welcome, and

2) offer some suggestions on his future life in China.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your own name. Use Li Minginstead.

Do not write your address. (10 points)

你的美国朋友想来中国继续学习。 给他写封电子邮件,

1) 表达欢迎,

2) 提供其未来在中国生活的建议。


My dear friend,

I am fairly delighted to be informed that you are going to further your study in China. Therefore, I am writing to you to express my warm welcome and provide you with some constructive suggestions.

There is no doubt in saying that a solid knowledge of the Chinese language is a precondition for living in China. So it is high time that you enhanced your Chinese speaking ability as possible  as you can. Some learning materials will be sent to you when required. More significantly, in order to promptly adapt yourself to the new environment, you’d better get familiar with the cultural differences between China and America, which can be extremely beneficial to your life in China.

I am looking forward to meeting you!


Li Ming

参考译文 亲爱的朋友:

得知你要来中国继续学习,我非常高兴。 我写此信以表示热烈欢迎,并提供一些建议。

毫无疑问,牢固的汉语知识是在中国生活的必要前提。 所以请尽量提高汉语口语能力。如果你需要,我可以给你一些学习资料。 更重要的是,为了快速适应新环境,你最好熟悉中美文化差异,这对你在中国的生活非常有利。






1. So it is high time that you enhanced your Chinese speaking ability as possible as you can.

解析:虚拟语气表达;动词 enhance 意为“提高,增加”;短语 as possible as you can “尽可能”。

2. More significantly, in order to promptly adapt yourself to the new environment, you’d better get familiar with the cultural differences between China and America, which can be extremely beneficial to your life in China.

解析:动词短语 adapt oneself to sth.意为“适应”;动词短语 get familiar with 意为“熟悉”;短语 be beneficial to sth.意为“有利于”。