


As we can see from the picture,__图片描述__

What this picture illustrates is that __主旨__.Why does this phenomenon arise? Many factors are accounting for it.

First __原因1__. As a result,__结果1__.Meanwhile,__原因2__.For example,__例子__

From what has been discussed above, it is urgent to take some effective and relative measures. First,we ought to take full advantage of __解决办法1__.In addition,the government should __解决办法2__.

Only in this way can we __展望__ in the forthcoming future.


As we can see from the picture,__图片措述__.

It is reasonable for such a phenomenon to occur. On (the)one hand,__事件的好处__.(补充例子或结果.)On the other hand,__事件的坏处__.( 补充例子或结果.)

To sum up, while...好处, we should bear in mind that ...(需要规避问题).Only in this way can we __展望__ in theforthcoming future.

There are several factors accounting for it. First and foremost there is no doubt that__原因 1/影响1__.As a result,__结果__.Meanwhile, it is universally admitted that __原因 2/影响2__ .For example, __例子__

According to the above analysis, it is obvious that the trend reflected by the chart will  sustain for some time in the future.


It goes without saying that the chart records +标题. which successfully arouses our curiosity. As is clearly reflected by the chart,标题 witnessed great changes from 时间 to 时间.Especially,某指数 has experienced the most dramatic change.jumping from 数字 to 数字 during this time. Obviously, the inclinations, clearly reflected by the chart, should be given more consideration.

What this picture/chart illustrates is that __主旨__.There are several factors accounting for it. First and foremost, there is no doubt that __原因1/影响1__.As a result __结果__.Meanwhile,it is universally admitted that __原因2/影响2__ .For example,__例子__

According to the above analysis, it is obvious that the trend reflected by the chart will sustain for some time in the future




近5年考研英语一和英语二平均分 多少分能过线



