Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2(20 points) 


解析:本文的主题可以看出是文化认同,属于文化类话题。主题可以是cultural identity”。描述图片时需注意这是一个对比类图片。文化类文章的论述范围很广,六个方向也几乎都是万能的。


As is symbolically depicted in the picture, a young boy, with a cap on his head, is eating a hamburger and drinking coca cola, while Confucius on the right is writing a Chinese character meaning Chinaon the boy’s back. Actually, the drawer depicts a heated topic namely, the lack of cultural identity in the young generation. As for me, it is a matter which deserves grave attention.

The cartoon is thought-provoking in more ways than one, among which the following three are of special significance. To begin with, the advance of the science and technology together with

the accelerating rate of life has come to impact every one’s concept of lifestyle, which in turn, contributes to the prevalence of the phenomenon. What’s more, that a large number of people regard western culture as a symbol of fashion for a modern soul is another decisive ground for the status quo. Last but not least, as our tradition has indisputable strategic value to the nation and the next generation, it is no wonder endorsed and popularized by the authorities. My teacher makes sense in saying that cultural identity is to a person what air is to fish.

The analysis above may reasonably come to the conclusion that cultural identity was, is, and will continue to be indispensable to every modern being. As far as I am concerned, it is advisable that every nation on the globe frame a correct concept. Bearing the previous points in mind, we can spend our life happily and meaningfully.





如图所示,一个戴了顶帽子的小男孩,正在吃汉堡,喝可乐。而右边的孔子正在他背上写一个汉字,意思是“中国”。其实画作者描述了一个热点话题,即新的一代中缺乏文化认同。    我认为,这个现象值得重视。

此图在很多方面发人深省,以下几点格外重要。首先,随着科技的进步与生活节奏的提高,每个人对生活方式的观念都发生了变化,这反过来导致了这种现象如此普遍。此外,很多人把西方文化当成是现代人的潮流的象征也是导致现状的一个决定性因素。最后,由于传统文化对于民族和下一代有着无可辩驳的战略价值,难怪当局要支持它。我老师说得有道理,    文化认同之于个人就像水之于鱼。

上述分析让我们有理由得出结论,文化认同曾经是,现在也是,将来还会是每个现代人    不可或缺的东西。我认为,世界上的所有国家都应该对其抱有正确的态度。把上述几点牢记    于心,我们就能开心幸福地度过一生。


As is vividly depicted in the figure, behind a boy with a cap on his head who is eating a hamburger and drinking coca cola stands Confucius who is  writing a Chinese character meaning  China on the boy’s back. The implication conveyed by the picture to us is that the young generation lacks the cultural identity.

So what are the reasons of the phenomenon reflected by the figure? First of all, the most important factor that we have to take into account is that with the reform and open policy implemented, increasing foreign elements have been flooding into our country, which exerts a substantial influence on our culture. Besides, importance hasn’t been attached to the course of globalization which is also another push behind the scene. Last but not least, the rapid development of the economy in our country can, directly or indirectly, lead to the phenomenon, because a growing number of people have the opportunities to receive better education, as a result of which they can be affected by cultures of other countries.

From what has been mentioned above, it is high time that some effective initiatives were taken to raise the cultural identity of the young in order to protect our own culture and tradition.


         如图中生动描绘的那样,孔子在一个头上戴着帽子,吃着汉堡并喝着可口可乐的男孩身    后站着,他在男孩的背上写着汉字,意思是“中国”。图片传达给我们的含义是,年轻一代缺乏文化认同。

那么,该图所反映的现象的原因是什么呢?首先,我们必须考虑的最重要的因素是,随着改革开放政策的实施,越来越多的外国元素涌入我国,这对我们的文化产生了重大影响。    此外,全球化进程尚未引起足够的重视,这也是幕后推手。最后,我国经济的迅速发展可能直接或间接导致这种现象,因为越来越多的人有机会接受更好的教育,因此他们可能会受到其他国家的文化影响。

综上所述,现在是采取一些有效措施来提高年轻人的文化认同的时候了,以保护我们自    己的文化和传统。