
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2(20 points)




As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a girl, who has stepped onto a young man, is apologizing wholeheartedly. On the other hand, the young man is not willing to accept it. Undoubtedly, the drawer depicts a heated topic namely, tolerance. As I perceive, it is a virtue which deserves extra attention.

The logic behind the picture can be interpreted in many aspects, and the following ones are worth discussion. To begin with, the advance of the science and technology together with the accelerating rate of life has come to impact every one’s concept of interpersonal relationship, which

in turn, contributes to the prevalence of the phenomenon. Plus, that a large number of people no longer regard tolerance as an indispensable virtue for a modern soul is another decisive ground for the status quo. In the end, as tolerance has indisputable strategic value to the nation and the next generation, it is no wonder endorsed and popularized by the authorities. That’s why we cannot afford to omit this phenomenon.

From the previous discussion, we can safely come to the conclusion that tolerance merits our attention in more ways than one. It is high time we cultivated a better awareness of it  and channeled actions in the light of concrete circumstances. Only by doing this can we resume a harmonious relationship with others.





如图所示,一个女孩踩到了一个年轻人,正在诚恳地道歉。另一方面,男子却不愿意接受道歉。毫无疑问,画作者描述了一个热点话题,即宽容。我认为,这是一个值得格外重视    的美德。

图片背后的原因可以从好几个方面解读,以下几点尤其值得讨论。首先,随着科技的进步与生活节奏的提高,每个人对人际关系的观念都发生了变化,这反过来导致了这种现象如此普遍。其次,很多人不再把宽容当成是现代人不可或缺的美德也是导致现状的一个决定性因素。最后,由于宽容对民族和下一代有着不可辩驳的战略价值,所以,难怪当局要支持它。     因此,这个问题我们忽视不得。

从上述讨论我们可以得出结论,宽容在很多方面都值得我们重视。是时候实事求是地了    解它,并指导我们的行为了!只有这样,我们才能重塑与别人的良好关系。


As is vividly depicted in the figure, on the road walks a girl who is making a sincere apology

to a young man after stepping onto one of his feet. What makes me surprised is that the young man doesn’t accept her apology at all. The implication conveyed by the picture to us is that many people in modern world lack the virtue of tolerance.

So what are the reasons of the phenomenon reflected by the figure? First of all, the most important factor that we have to take into account is that with the rapid development of our society, our education system places increasing importance on knowledge rather than such qualities as tolerance. Besides, importance hasn’t been attached to the improvement of tolerance of the public, especially those who hold the opinion that it doesn’t matter if they behave somewhat rude to others without any tolerance. Last but not least, the lack of incentives can, directly or indirectly, lead to moral decline of the human kind.

From what has been mentioned above, it is high time that some effective initiatives were taken to raise the tolerance of the public in order to build a harmonious society.



如图中生动描绘的那样,在路上行走着一个女孩,在踩到一个年轻人的一只脚后她正向他道歉。让我感到惊讶的是,这位年轻人根本不接受她的道歉。图片传达给我们的含义是,    当今世界中许多人缺乏宽容的美德。

那么,该图所反映的现象的原因是什么呢?首先,我们必须考虑的最重要的因素是,随    着社会的快速发展,我们的教育体系越来越重视知识,而不是像宽容这样的品质。此外,提    高公众的宽容并没有得到重视,特别是这些人,他们认为毫无宽容地粗鲁地对待别人也没有关系。最后,缺乏激励可以直接或间接导致人类道德败坏。
